Tuesday, November 20, 2012

bed rest: week three.

Well week 3 of bed rest is finally over. This week we had a pretty big scare. I went in on Friday for my weekly ultrasounds with M&FM and they found that my cervix had thinned more and was now less than 1cm (a normal cervix is 4cm). So, I was admitted to the hospital and initially told that I would have to remain inpatient for the duration of the pregnancy. Needless to say, I was a mess. I called Mikey and he came right away from work to be with me. We waited for my OB to come talk to us and just prayed. When Dr. Caskie came in she told us she was going to do the cerclage, which is the stitch in the cervix to keep it closed, and that we would stay overnight and then if all went well be discharged home the next day. I was so relieved that there was a possibility of going home but we were also nervous for the surgery. The risks associated with the surgery were that they could break my water,or rupture my membranes and that the surgery in itself could cause the uterus to contract, either of those options could send me into pre-term labor. Mikey and I just prayed that none of that would happen and that God would guide our Dr's hands for a successful surgery. We had our families and friends praying for the same and I cannot say enough for the power of prayer. God is amazing! The surgery was scheduled for 4pm that afternoon, but due to emergencies my case was pushed back to 7:30am the next morning. Dr. Cobbs, who is the doctor who delivered Logan, was the one who performed the surgery. It was definitely not the most pleasant thing to go through, especially since I had to be literally upside down during the whole procedure, but the surgery was 100% successful with no complications. Afterwards, Dr. Cobbs told us that when she was in the surgery she saw that it was much worse than the ultrasound had initially shown and that I had no cervix left and was already 3cm dilated. She said she prayed that she would be able to do the procedure successfully and save the baby, and she did. We are so grateful and blessed that God provided us with such an amazing surgeon and doctor and that he listened to all of our prayers. We were able to go home later that afternoon after they monitored the baby's vitals and made sure I was not having any contractions. I am so happy and thankful to be home and even more thankful for a healthy baby. Our main goal is to make it to 34 weeks gestation, which is February 5th. Currently, I am 23 weeks, so 11 more weeks to go! I know we can do it. Our family and friends have been so amazing throughout all of this. A special thanks to my Mom, who came right away when we called her, to be with us and more importantly take care of Logan while Mikey and I were at the hospital. Thank you to everyone who continues to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. All I have to say is God is good and I know we can do anything through him.

My AMAZING (and very good looking) husband, I could not have gone through this without him.

Our mantra while inpatient and at home.

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