Sunday, June 21, 2015

DIY projects.

Now that it is officially summer I have been bitten by the DIY bug once again, focusing this time on the outside.  We have such big plans for the exterior of our home including a new paint job and some serious landscaping.  But for now I was happy with just doing some easy weekend jobs that I could see instant results.  First up, painting the front door (again....).  When we first moved in our door was the super dated "forest green" that was so prominent in the early to mid 90's.  I struggled with what color to paint it and varied from making a big statement with yellow or purple to a more classic straight black.  In the end I chose red.  I liked it okay, but I wasn't in love with it.  I also knew that I eventually wanted to paint the interior door as well and knew that it wasn't going to be red.  I stumbled across this blog onsuttonplace on pinterest (where else of course?!) and fell in LOVE with her front door, as well as pretty much everything else on her blog.  Enter, Summer 2015 and here I was with my paint color (Sherwin Williams Naval) and a new exterior and interior front door color.  I think it is a big improvement from the red and more importantly Mikey also really likes it - jack pot!



The other small weekend project that we did was to boost our curb appeal by giving our poor mailbox a little TLC.  Mikey power washed that sucker, added a nice new address plaque and some seasonal flowers and voila!  Super simple and so much better!

