Friday, May 16, 2014

Easter 2014.

He is Risen!  Happy Easter! The Easter season is one of my favorite times of year.  I obviously LOVE this time of year because it is the base of our faith, that Jesus Christ died and rose again to save you and me because of God's amazing love for us, but I also love all of the traditions that go along with the season.  Dying Easter eggs, Easter baskets, dressing in your "Sunday best", all of the new life and yes I even like going to church for like 72 hours straight!  This year we celebrated Easter at home.  My Dad came up to help celebrate, and Logan was very happy to see Grandpa.  We dyed eggs, which was a difficult choice of words to use with Logan who kept asking "those eggs are gonna die?"  How to explain a homonym to a toddler??....Our church had an Easter egg hunt on Saturday which was a good practice run for the real deal on Sunday.  We celebrated Easter brunch at my in-laws house with Mikey's family and my Dad and then Sunday evening we ate Easter dinner at my sister-in-laws husbands parents house (Goldie & John).  We had a wonderful Easter and Logan had a great time (as always) running around Goldie and John's house with all the kids.  Happy Easter and God Bless!

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